5F13: This Little Wiggy
SEASON NINE :: 14 Quotes
Mrs Krabappel: Now who's calculator can tell me what seven times eight is?
Milhouse: Oh oh oh, low battery!
Mrs Krabappel: Whatever
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Robot: Greetings, earth children
Lewis: Where are you from?
Robot: ....earth
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Robot: Default setting... crush.. kill.. destroy
Skinner: (chokes) Children, help! He's killing me!
Class: Yaaaaaaay!
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Homer: Yeah, good things don't end with -eum, they end with -mania, or -teria
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Bart: Hey I'm gonna go toss the virtual salad
Lisa: I'm gonna read the giant book
Homer: I'm gonna try the sex education computers!
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Ralph: I found a moon rock in my nose!
Bart: Housten, we have a booger
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Ralph: Your hair is tall, and pretty!
Marge: Why thankyou Ralph, you're such a fine young gentleman
Ralph: Help! She's touching my special area!
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Bart: These syrup stains are the worst!
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Ralph: This is my swingset, this is my sand box! I'm not allowed to go in the deep end. Thats where I saw the leprechaun.
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Homer: (singing) Do the message! da da da da da da da da da...
Bart: So long! I'm gonna go sleep over at Ralphs
Marge: Oh, see I knew you'ld find something you liked about him
Bart: Oh, I found something alright!
Homer: da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da da... after the beep!
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TV Announcer: We now return to The Return of the Pink Panther Returns
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Bart: Got any threes?
Ralph: Go fish!
Bart: See, heres the problem Ralph, you have several threes
Ralph: Go fish!
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Mr. Burns: Smithers! There's a rocket in my pocket!
Smithers: You don't have to tell me sir!
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Leprechaun: You've done grand laddy! Now you know what you have to do! Burn the house down! BURN 'EM ALL!
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