5F11: Das Bus
SEASON NINE :: 10 Quotes
Lisa: Point of order if we wanna learn anything we must...
Bart: Point of odor, Lisa stinks
bus1.mp3 27kb
Ned: Maude and I sell religious foot rugs over the internet
Homer: Internet eh?
Ned: Yes indeedy, making some good scratch too
Homer: Scratch eh?
Ned: Yep!
Homer: Maude eh?
bus2.mp3 71kb
Kids Chanting: Sixty six bottles of beer on the wall, sixty six bottles of beer....
Otto: This song is driving me crazy (rewinds tape)
Kids Chanting: B I N G O and Bingo was his name-o
bus3.mp3 88kb
Nelson: Hey, Simpson, race ya!
Bart: First one to the front of the bus gets Martins' lunch money
Martin: What!?
Bart: Go Apple
Nelson: Go Orange
Ralph: ...Go Banana!
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Homer: Compuglobalhypermeganet...Junior Vice President Homer Simpson speaking, how may I direct your call?....... it's Patty =(
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Ralph: I eated the purple berrie....ow...oh....waaah
Bart: How are they Ralph? .......... Good?
Ralph: They taste like.... burning
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Milhouse: Its the monster!
Bart: No its not, its my tummy, i mean stomach...gut... crap factory!
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Homer: Welcome to the Internet friend, how may I help you?
Comic Book Guy: I am interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud connection to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router thats compatible with my token ring ethernet LAN configuration?
Homer: ................................. can I have some money now?
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Nelson: Kill the dorks
Lewis: Bash their butts
Terri: Kick their shins
Nelson/Lewis/Terri/Others: Kill the dorks, bash their butts
Lisa: Run a-way
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Homer: Oh they have the internet on Computers now!
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