3F10: Team Homer
SEASON SEVEN :: 12 Quotes
Bart: Oh my god! The MAD Magazine special edition! They only put out seventeen of these a year!
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Homer: Ooh! Snappy answers to stupid questions! I'm great at these. Ask me if something smells funny in here, boy!
Bart: Does something smell funny in here?
Homer: I don't think so, STU-PID! Ahahahaha!
Marge: Homey, you want Pork Chops?
Homer: No, I want Roast Beef, you CLOD! Ahahaaha!
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Homer: The All-ighty-ollar? Ahehehe! I get it!
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Homer: Well I'm tired of being a wannabe league bowler! I wannabe a league bowler!
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Homer: Hey everybody, if you wanna ask Burns for a favour, nows the time! He's doped up or dying or something!
Hans Moleman: Uh, excuse me, I'd like to request seventeen dollars for a pushbroom rebristling.
Mr. Burns: Why it's that delightful TV leprechaun! I'm going to get your lucky charms!
Hans Moleman: Oh no, my brains!
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Homer: You can do it Otto, you can do it Otto! Help each other out, that'll be out motto. You can do it Otto! You can do it Otto!
Apu: Make this spare, I'll give you free gelato.
Moe: Get back to my place, where I will get you blotto!
Homer: Domo arigato, Mister roboto!
All: You can do it, Otto! You can do..
Otto: Uh, guys.. I made the spare. We won!
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Chief Wiggum: Alright Snake, make us proud.
Snake: One.. two.. three. fourfivesixseveneightnineten.... BYE!
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Bart: These uniforms suck!
Marge: Bart! Where do you pick up words like that?
Homer: Yeah Moe, that team sure did suck last night! They just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!
Marge: Homer, watch your mouth!
Homer: I gotta go, my damn weiner kids are listening.
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Team: [chanting] Come on, Homer! Come on, Homer! Pretend this is Baseball and give us a Homer!
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Kid: You're it...
Lisa: Now you are the one who is it..
Milhouse: Understood..
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Homer: :attempts to flush a trophy down the toilet: Marge! Someone broke the toilet!
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Moe: I have a feeling that Mr. Burns is going to have a little accident that might keep him from bowling with us tonight.. heh heh heh.
Mr. Burns: Smithers, I'm afraid I wont be able to play tonight. My old gimpie knee has gone akimbo again!
Moe: Take that [hits Burns' knee]
Mr. Burns: Smithers! That precision assault popped it back into place!
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