8F17: Dog Of Death
SEASON THREE :: 10 Quotes
Barney: You know, I heard the jackpot is up to one hundred and thirty million dollars
Barney: Did you say one hundred and thirty million dollars? Homer: Yeah!
Barney: Wow!
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Homer: Bart, I need some lucky numbers, fast, how old are you? Uh huh, and what's your birthday?... No kidding, and what's Lisa's birthday? What, you don't know your sisters birthday, what kind of brother are you?
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Homer: If you were seventeen, we'd be rich, but nooo... you had to be ten!
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Burns: Nonsense, dogs are idiots, think about it Smithers, if I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over your face, what would you say?
Smithers: Hmm...if you did it, sir?
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Homer: Marge, I've figured out an alternative to giving up my beer. Basically, we become a family of travelling acrobats!
Marge: ...I don't think you've thought this through...
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Bart: Oh, it's all my fault! I called him a dumb dog!
Homer: Oh, he's gone and he's never coming back... wait, there he is!... no, that's a horse
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Burns: Well neighbor I see you've got your running shoes on, that's a good thing!.... (Smithers releases the hounds)
Flanders: *screams like a wussy girl*
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Smithers: Wanna buy some cookies, wanna buy some cookies?
(Santa's Little Helper runs up to Smithers and greets him)
Burns: If that were a real girl scout I would have been bothered by now!
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Lisa: Poor Santa's Little Helper, I'm starting to think we'll never see him again!
Homer: That was his dish, and that was his leash... and that's where he took a whizz on the rug...
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Bart: I don't care if I have to knock on every door in this stupid town, I'm gonna find my dog
Homer: And I'll be right here watching TV!
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