8F06: Lisa's Pony
SEASON THREE :: 9 Quotes
Homer: I ordered it for my little girl!
Lisa: I'm done.
Homer: Oooh, that cost eighty eight dollars.
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Homer: Look, I let you down, and I apologise, I know that doesn't make it right, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
Lisa: I forgive you.
Homer: D'oh! You didn't mean that!
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Lisa: Dada.... Dada
Marge: Did you hear that Homer?
Homer: Marge, please, I'm busy!
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Homer: Marge, if I spend any more time doing these girl things I'm gonna.. you know, go fruity
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Pet Salesman: Oh my, what is that smell? Oh it's you
Homer: 'Scuse me, do you sell ponys?
Pet Salesman: Uuh..sure pal, right here
Homer: Deer Hound...hey this is a dog!
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Burns: Just sign this form and the money will be yours.. mwa haha hahahahahahaha...aheeh.. sorry, I was just um erm.. thinking of something funny Smithers did today
Smithers: I didn't do anything funny today..
Burns: ...Shhut Uup!
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Abe & Bart: ...are playing a space video game, and Abe doesn't know what the heck to do.
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Lisa: Wait, dad, I've got something for you! *kiss*
Homer: aww, I was hoping it would be money!
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Homer: First you didn't want me to get the Pony, now you want me to take it back, make up your mind!
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