AABF03: Lisa Gets An "A"
SEASON TEN :: 22 Quotes
Reverend Lovejoy: And, may we burn the inpainful and fowl smelling fire... aaaaaaammmmm.... en the night minister will be giving a guest sermon next Sunday, go in peace. Aaaaaammmmm <cough, cough>
Homer: Don't make me come up there!
Reverend Lovejoy: ...men.
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Homer: Hang in there son, I'm taking us out for a traditional Sunday brunch (cuts off car)
Driver: Idiot!
Homer: He means you, Marge!
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Lisa: Oven roasted cud!
Pimple Faced Kid: It's wrapped in it's own drool!
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Mom: Gavin honey, help mommy pick a cereal! How bout Alfalfa beds.
Gavin: Those suck! I hate this store.
Mom: But sweetheart mommy...
Gavin: I hate you, too! I wanna live with one of my dads.
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Homer: [Homer tries to keep both the fish and Pinchy alive by adding more salt and water to the fish bowl]
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Marge: I'm going to tell the school you're staying home...
Lisa: I'm afraid I can't allow that!
Marge: Lisa!
Lisa: Mom, no wait, we can make a deal!
Marge: You don't have anything I want!
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Video Game: [Lisa plays the Australian 'Dash Dingo' game]
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Ralph: Hi Lisa, I brought your Homework! We have to read this!
Lisa: The Wind In The Willows...?
Ralph: It's about a toad and badger and a mole... I drawed on mine... is this my house?
Lisa: No, you live in a different house.......
Ralph: Choo choo choo choo woo woo!
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Guy On Video Game: Then I shall rule the Down-Underverse.
Lisa: We'll see about that, mate!
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Lisa: Mr Toad has a red blank... okay, skip that one. Mr blank needs a blank in order to blank his blank.... oooh, I'm in deep blank.
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-dream sequence-
Hoover: And the lowest grade in the class ...
Ralph: She's going to say my name!
Hover: Lisa Simpson, zero!
Skinner: Lisa, the president of Harvard would like to see you.
Pres.: Nasty business, that zero. Naturally, Harvard's doors are now closed to you, but I'll pass your file along to ... Brown.
Skinner: Mmmm, Brown. Heckuva school. Weren't you at Brown, Otto?
Otto: Yup. Almost got tenure, too.
Lisa: [gasps in horror] No, not Brown, Brown..
-end dream-
Lisa: ...Brown, Brown..
Miss Hoover: Lisa, you're saying Brown an awful lot, are you okay?
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Lisa: Actually, I do feel a little feverish...
Miss Hoover: Aww, don't worry about the test, just get yourself a nice drink of water..... THEN come back and finish the test!
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Lisa: I'll get a zero for sure, Bart, what am I gonna do?
Bart: Well, if it was me, I'd just take the zero... uh, but that's not for everyone.
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Lisa: Hey! I can't go in there!
Bart: Relax, there's nothing in here you didn't see when dad boycotted pants.
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Willy: Good for you, lass. I got a zero once, and my life turned out just fine :cleans out toilet with hand:. Oooh.. that's a nasty clog... ooh, you've got yourself a partner have ya?
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Miss Hoover: I graded this mornings test over lunch. And most of you did quite well.
Ralph: I got a B!
Miss Hoover: No Ralph, that's an F. I must have spilled some kahlua. Perfect Lisa, and you got all the extra credit questions. Even the one that got cut off by the copy machine.
Lisa: Heehmmm, I guess I was just on a roll.
Miss Hoover: Don't be so modest Lisa, you earned that A plus plus plus.
Lisa: Actually, there are four plusses.
Miss Hoover: No, that's dramboie.
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Homer: And now for the main course... Steamed Maine Cabbages!
Bart: Pardon me for asking, but where the hell's my stupid lobster?
Homer: We're not eating Mr. Pinchy, he's part of the family now. Pinchy, I made you some Risotto.
Bart/Lisa/Marge: Oh Dad/Homer!
Homer: What's your problem, veggie, you don't even eat lobster.
Lisa: No, but I enjoy the smell.
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Skinner: Your dovotion to scholarship is a shining becan to all who's...
Lisa: Stop it! I cheated. Cheated cheated cheated cheated cheated!
Skinner: Lisa, what are you trying to say?
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Skinner: Check out the new scoreboard. [babbadabumdabum, chaaarge!]. I'm still learning all the buttons.
Lisa: Well if you're going to cover this up I'll just have to go over your head to Super [half time buzz] Intendant [fowl] Chalmers! [nuclear explosion]
Chalmers: Skinnnneeeer! I am outraged that you kept this from me. You were supposed to call as soon as the new scoreboard was in!
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Chalmers: A little travelling music Seymour [bumbumbumbumbum bumbumbum...]
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Skinner: We can buy real Periodic Tables instead of these promotional ones from Oscar Meyer.
Edna: Now who can tell me the atomic weight of balonium?
Martin: Ooh, delicious!
Edna: Correct, I would also accept Snacktacular.
Skinner: And for the first time ever, our computer lab actually has a computer in it.
Ralph: Hi Lisa! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers........ <meow> I'm learnding!
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Homer: Ooh, look, here's a little playmate for you!....... Hey, you don't have to take that from no punk-ass crab!
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