The Episodes
- Homer's
Barbershop Quartet
[9F22] - Cape
[1F02] - Homer
Goes To College
[1F01] - Rosebud
[1F04] - Treehouse
Of Horror IV
[1F03] - Marge
On The Lam
[1F05] - Bart's
Inner Child
[1F06] - Boy-Scoutz
N The Hood
[1F07] - The
Last Temptation Of Homer
[1F08] - $pringfield
[1F09] - Homer
The Vigilante
[1F11] - Bart
Gets Famous
[1F10] - Homer
And Apu
[1F12] - Lisa
vs. Malibu Stacy
[1F13] - Deep
Space Homer
[1F14] - Homer
Loves Flanders
[1F15] - Bart
Gets An Elephant
[1F16] - Burns'
[1F18] - Sweet
Skinner's Baaadassss Song
[1F19] - The
Boy Who Knew Too Much
[1F21] - Lady
Bouvier's Lover
[1F20] - Secrets
Of A Sucessful Marriage
Matt Groening Says:
This Fifth Season of The Simpsons may be the finest one yet. Season 5 contains
many of our snappiest or most disturbing sequences. You'll get to see Grampa
and Mr. Burns wooing Marge's mum, Homer eating potato chips in outer space, Lisa
inventing the Lisa Lionheart doll, Bart getting an Elephant, Marge going on the
lam, and Maggie beginning her lifelong feud with the One-Eyebrowed Baby.
You also get Sideshow Bob explaining that his "Die, Bart, Die" tattoo is actually
just German for "The, Bart, The". And The Ramones playing at Mr. Burns' birthday
party. And a field trip to a cardboard-box factory. And Homer happily pulling
a pig's tail until the pig viciously bites him. And the historic first appearance
of Cletus, the Slack-Jawed Yokel.
And of course we've larded the whole season with healthy dollops of Bumblebee
Man, Apu, Milhouse, Dr. Hibbert, Mrs. Krabappel, Principal Skinner, Kent Brockman,
Rod and Todd Flanders, Itchy & Scrachy, Comic Book Guy, Moe, and Ralph Wiggum.
Our guest stars include James Brown, George Harrison, Albert Brooks, David Crosby,
Kathleen Turner, Kelsey Grammer, Werner Klemperer, Pamela Reed, Gerry Cooney,
Sam Neill, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Goulet, James Taylor, James Woods, Michelle
Pfeiffer, Buzz Aldrin, and former Simpsons writer / producer Conan O'Brien.
So sit back and enjoy this high-velocity season of classic Simpsons shows. On
behalf of the hard working writers, animators, musicians, producers, and actors,
we thank you for your enthusiastic letters, drawings, and gifts, and remind you
of our standard policy: No Refunds.
Your pal
Matt Groening