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9F18: Whacking Day
Airdate: 29 April 1993
Writer: John Swartzwelder
Director: Jeff Lynch
Executive Producer: Al Jean and Mike Reiss |

Bart, Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney are locked in the school's store room when Superintendant Chalmers announces a surprise inspection. Bart manages to escape, and takes Willie's tractor for a spin. Bart is expelled after he rams into Chalmers's rear end. Springfield holiday 'Whacking Day' is coming, and Lisa is horrified by the event. Marge home-schools Bart in the garage, and Bar reads the story "Johnny Tremain". When Whacking Day arrives, Lisa begs Homer not to participate but he refuses to listen. With the help of Barry White, Bart and Lisa lure the snakes into their house. The mob of people arrives and Bart, who had researched the day, told them of it's origins. It was concocted as an excuse to beat up the irish. Skinner sees the effort Bart went to and allows him to return to school.
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The Episodes
- Kamp
[8F18] - A
Streetcar Named Marge
[9F01] - Homer
The Heretic
[9F02] - Lisa
The Beauty Queen
[9F04] - Treehouse
Of Horror III
[9F03] - Itchy
And Scratchy: The Movie
[9F05] - Marge
Gets A Job
[9F06] - New
Kid On The Block
[9F07] - Mr
[9F08] - Lisa's
First Word
[9F09] - Homer's
Triple Bypass
[9F10] - Marge
vs. The Monorail
[9F11] - Selma's
[9F12] - Brother
From The Same Planet
[9F13] - I
Love Lisa
[9F14] - Duffless
[9F15] - Last
Exit To Springfield
[9F17] - So
It's Come To This: A Clip Show
[9F16] - The
[9F18] - Whacking
[9F20] - Marge
In Chains
[9F19] - Krusty
Gets Kancelled
Matt Groening Says:
This season is full of many fan favourites: Bart and Lisa's
ill-fated trip to Kamp Krusty; Homer's encounter with a five-fingered
God (the theological implications of which are staggering);
Maggie's great escape from the Ayn Rand School for Tots; Marge,
Apu, Chief Wiggum, and Flanders singing their hearts out in
"Oh! Streetcar!"; the disturbing debut of Itchy & Scratchy
in "Steamboat Itchy"; the legendary Mr. Plow/Plow King rivalry;
the animated adventures of Worker and Parasite; Ralph Wiggum's
immortal "Choo-Choo-Choose Me" valentine to Lisa; and of course
the classic monorail episode. That's the one that has my all-time
favourite Simpsons line, when Homer points at the hissing possom
family and says: "I call the big one Bitey."
So, on behalf of the brilliant animators, actors, writers,
musicians, production team, and assorted abused underlings,
I'd like to welcome you to another great batch of The Simpsons,
or, as they say in France, Les Simpson. Your pal
Matt Groening