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HABF06: The Seemingly Never Ending Story
Airdate: 12 March 2006
Writer: Ian Maxtone-Graham
Director: Raymond S. Persi
Executive Producer: Al Jean |

While visiting a cave, the family are thrown into a hidden cavern below the main tour with Homer stuck in a narrow hole. Marge and Bart split to find an exit, while Lisa keeps Homer company by telling him a story. It begins a week ago, with Lisa chased into Burns' attic by a goat, where she discovers a photo of Burns employed at Moe's. This leads Burns into a story within a story, in which he was in a scavenger hunt with all his posessions up for grabs. Burns lost and had to work for Moe to make up the money. Burns tells Lisa of another story told by Moe, about hidden treasure and a fling with Mrs. Krabappel. All stories come to a dramatic end in the present time, where the hidden treasure in Moe's story is located in the cave. The Simpsons, Rich Texan, Mr. Burns, and Snake have a dramatic standoff but the treasure is destroyed.
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