 7G05: Bart The General
Airdate: 4 February 1990
Writer: John Swartzwelder
Director: David Silverman
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon

gets into a fight with Nelson Muntz while protecting
his sisters cupcakes. Nelson beats him up after
school, and tells him it will happen again tomorrow.
Marge tells Bart he should try to reason with Nelson,
whereas Homer tells Bart to fight like a man. Choosing
Homer's advice, he approaches Nelson, but is beaten
up again. He turns to Abe Simpson for help. Abe
takes Bart to see Herman, a veteran of the war.
Herman instructs Bart on a full-assault strategy.
Bart gathers other boys from school and enlists
them as his troops. As Herman commands from the
field, Bart leads them into battle. Terrorized,
the thugs surrender. Nelson is tied up on the Simpsons
couch, and Bart and Nelson make up.
 7G09: The Call Of The Simpsons
Airdate: 18 February 1990
Writer: John Swartzwelder
Director: Wes Archer
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon

Ned Flanders pulls up to his house with a new mobile
home, Homer gets jealous and goes to Bob's RV Round-Up
to buy his own and impress Flanders. Thrilled with
the new RV, Homer takes the family on a trip in
the wilderness. While taking "a shortcut",
Homer leads the family into the middle of nowhere,
where the van comes to a halt on the edge of a
cliff. The family manage to escape just as the
RV plummets into an abyss. Stranded in the wilderness,
Homer and Bart look for food. After losing their
clothes in a river, they use mud and plants to
cover themselves A photographer takes a photo of
Homer covered in mud, and thinks he's taken a photo
of 'Bigfoot'. Homer is captured by hunters but
then they realize he's really nothing more than
a fat, bald human
 7G07: The Telltale Head
Airdate: 25 February 1990
Writer: Al Jean, Mike Reiss, Sam Simon, Matt Groening
Director: Wes Archer
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon

and Homer are chased through the streets by an
angry mob. They stop so Bart can recount the story
of the previous day. The story unfolds. Bart goes
out to see Space Mutants IV at the local movie
theater. Jimbo and his gang pressure Bart to sneaking
in the back without paying. They get thrown out,
and they start throwing rocks at the statue of
Jebadiah Springfield. Jimbo tells Bart it would
be cool if somebody cut the head off the statue,
so later that night, in an attempt to win friends,
he sneaks out of the house and saws the statue's
head off. The whole town is upset. Feeling remorse,
Bart comes home and confesses to his family. As
Homer escorts Bart to the authorities, the angry
mob starts chasing them. The story ends, and the
mob forgives him.
 7G10: Homer's Night Out
Airdate: 25 March 1990
Writer: John Vitti
Director: Rich Moore
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon
tells Marge that he'll be attending a stag party
for a co-worker at a restaurant. At the party,
Homer is enticed to dance with a belly dancer named
Princess Kashmir. While Homer is gone, Marge takes
the kids out for dinner Unknowingly, they are at
the same place that Homer is having the party.
Bart stumbles into a room where he sees Homer dancing
with Kashmir, so he takes a photo with his new
spy camera. He gives Milhouse a copy. Soon, all
of Springfield has the photograph, and eventually
Marge sees it. She orders him out of the house.
Homer takes Bart to a burlesque show to teach him
not all women are sexual objects. Homer stumbles
on stage during the show and gived the cround a
sentimental speech about the importance of women
to men. Marge, who is in the audience, runs to
Homer and forgives him.
 7G13: The Crepes Of Wrath
Airdate: 15 April 1990
Writer: George Meyer, Sam Simon, John Swartzwelder and Jon Vitti
Director: Wes Archer, Milton Gray
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon
Bart gets into more mischief at school, Principal
Skinner talks to Homer and Marge about sending
him to France as an exchange student. Expecting
the good life, Bart sets off for France as the
Simpsons welcome their exchange student Adil, from
Albania. Bart arrives in Paris to discover his
exchange parents intend to use him as a slave.
In Springfield, Homer takes Adil to the power plant.
Once inside, Adil takes pictures of sensitive equipment
and relays the info back to Albania. Barts exchange
parents force him to sample their wine laced with
anti-freeze to see if it harms him. When Bart sets
off to buy more anti-freeze, he talks to a policeman
about what they have done to him. He becomes a
hero for saving the wine. Meanwhile, the FBI detects
the satellite signal Adil uses, and arrests him.
 7G01: Some Enchanted Evening
Airdate: 13 May 1990
Writer: Matt Groening and Sam Simon
Director: David Silverman and Kent Butterworth
Executive Producer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon
Homer and Marge go out to spend a romantic evening
together, they call for a babysitter to look after
the kids. The babysitter, Ms Botz, arrives and
Homer and Marge leave. While Botz is out of the
room, Bart and Lisa see a bulletin on 'America's
Most Armed and Dangerous' warning parents about
the babysitter bandit. The photo fit they see matches
Ms. Botz, so they run around the house and try
to hide. Ms. Botz finds them and ties them up.
As she plunders around the house, Maggie escapes
her crib and unties Bart and Lisa. Bart hits Botz
with a baseball bat, and then ties her up. They
call the police, and they are on their way. Marge
and Homer arrive home to a tied up babysitter.
Assuming the kids are playing a prank, Homer frees
Botz and pays her triple her fee. She drives off
as the police arrive, and Homer realizes what he
has just done.
The Episodes
- Simpsons
Roasting Over Open Fire
[7G02] - Bart
The Genius
[7G03] - Homer's
[7G04] - There's
No Disgrace Like Home
[7G05] - Bart
The General
[7G06] - Moaning
[7G09] - The
Call Of The Simpsons
[7G07] - The
Telltale Head
[7G11] - Life
On The Fast Lane
[7G10] - Homer's
Night Out
[7G13] - The
Crepes Of Wrath
[7G12] - Krusty
Gets Busted
[7G01] - Some
Enchanted Evening
Matt Groening Says:
What we have here are thirteen crudely animated episodes,
first aired in 1989 and 1990. If Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie
look weirdly off-model, if their voices sound spooky and different,
and if the animation seems particularly glitch filled, just remember
this: we didn't know what the hell we were doing back then.
What's fun for me in looking back at all these old episodes is how
many jokes and characters have stayed vivid for more than a decade.
I love Santa's Little Helper leaping into Homer's arms at Christmas;
the debut of Blinky, the three-eyed fish; Bart's game-winning scrabble
word "KWYJIBO" ("a fat, dumb, balding North American ape with no chin");
the Simpsons giving each other electroshock therapy courtesy of Dr.
Marvin Monroe; Lisa playing saxophone with Bleeding Gums Murphy; Homer
being mistaken for Bigfoot; and Marge's bowling instructor Jacques
strangely losing his French accent when yelling for onion rings.
I also dig Grandpa Simpson's letter to TV advertisers: "I am disgusted
with the way old people are depicted on television. We are not all
vibrant, fun-loving sex maniacs. Many of us are bitter, resentful individuals,
who remember the good old days when entertainment was bland and inoffensive."
So enjoy. We've got more Simpsons episodes to make, then broadcast,
then re-run, then chop up for syndication. But you know something?
We wouldnt have it any other way!
Your pal
Matt Groening