MGO1 - Good Night
As Marge and Homer say goodnight to the kids, Bart ponders
the workings of the mind, Lisa fears that bedbugs will eat her, and
Maggie is traumatized by Rock-a-Bye-Baby.
MG02 - Watching Television
Bart and Lisa argue over what to watch on television. The only thing
that the pair can agree on is that they do not want Maggie to decide
what to watch.
MG03 - Jumping Bart
Homer tries to get Bart to jump into his arms, but when Homer
gets distracted as the last minute every time, Bart is left hurt and
MG04 - Babysitting Maggie
Bart and Lisa are asked to babysit Maggie but the pair ignore her.
Maggie electrocutes herself, falls down stairs, and chases a butterfly
onto the roof.
MG05 - The Pacifier
Bart and Lisa are sick of hearing Maggie suck on her pacifier,
but Maggie has an entire drawer full of them and always has a replacement.
MG06 - Burping Contest
Despite Marge's objections, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie compete in a contest
to see who can make the most disgusting burp. Homer comes home &
MG07 - Eating Dinner
Marge serves the family purple goop for dinner but insists
that the family say grace before they eat.
MG09 - Making Faces
Bart, Lisa, and Maggie make a succession of scary faces at
one another despite Marge's warning that their facial positions will
freeze in place forever.
MG14 - The Funeral
The family attends Uncle Hubert's funeral. Bart is excited to see a
dead body for the first time but passes out when he glances into the
MG10 - Maggie's Brain
Bart and Lisa hover over Maggie's crib, wondering what she's
thinking. Maggie sees them first as demons and then as infants whom
she towers over.
MG08 - Football
Bart will win a round of frosty chocolate milkshakes if he can catch
one of Homer's long passes. Unfortunately he must stop at the cliff.
MG12 - House Of Cards
Bart's attempts to build a huge house of cards are constantly interrupted
by Lisa and Maggie's sucking noises.
MG15 - Bart And Dad Eat Dinner
When the girls go out to the ballet, Homer gives Bart a choice
of fish nuggets of port-a-roni.
MG13 - Space Patrol
Lisa, Bart, and Maggie play a save-the-earth game. Lisa is space pilot
Lisuey, Maggie her sidekick Mageena, and Bart is Bartron the crazed
martian robot.
- Bart's Haircut
Bart goes to a barber who does not know how to cut hair and
ends up getting scalped by him.
MG20 - World War III
Obsessed with getting ready for the Apocalypse Homer repeatedly
awakens the family for nuclear attack drills.
MG16 - The Perfect Crime
Bart sets out to steal cookies, figuring Maggie will take
the blame. Instead he eats too many cookies and lays down among the
crumbs revealling the evidence.
MG17 - Scary Stories
Bart tells Lisa and Maggie scary stories in the dark that
seem to be coming true.
MG19 - Grampa And The Kids
Grampa tells Bart, Lisa, and Maggie boring stories about the
good old days. Realizing that they are not listening he feigns his
own death to recapture their attention.
MG11 - Gone Fishin'
Bart forgets to pack bologna for his fishing trip with Homer
and substitutes worms in his sandwich. Bart and Homer take
a ride down the rapids.
MG21 - Skateboarding
Bart, Lisa, and Maggie ride the local sidewalks on their skateboards,
not always with success.
MG22 - The Pagans
While driving to church, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie anger their parents
by deciding to convert to paganism.
MG23 - The Closet
Bart hides in the closet to avoid his chores and ends up outsmarting
himself by getting locked in. By the time he escapes the family has
left for frosty chocolate milkshakes.
MG24 - The Aquarium
At the aquarium, Bart foolishly risks his life to perform
various tricks in the shark tank.
MG25 - Family Portrait
Homer gathers the family around for a portrait but the family
continually sabotages his efforts to strike a normal family pose making
him angry.
MG26 - Bart Hiccups
Lisa and Maggie try to help Bart stop hiccuping, resorting
to unorthodox methods to cure their brother of the health nuisance.
MG27 - The Money Jar
Lisa, Bart, and Maggie try to stave off the temptation to steal Marge's
money from a cookie jar.
MG29 - The Art Museum
Marge and Homer take the hids to an art museum. After Bart
ogles a nude painting, Marge realizes the children are not mature enough
to appreciate fine art.
MG28 - Zoo Story
The Simpsons go to the zoo, where Homer and Bart have a close
encounter with a family of monkeys which resemble the members of the
MG30 - Shut Up Simpsons
Grampa, Homer, and the kids persist in arguing until they
formally forgive one another. Bart's forgiveness comes with strings
MG35 - Shell Game
Bart tries to hide a cookie he stole from the cookie jar.
He covers it with one bowl and then to keep his parents guessing, with
three bowls.
MG38 - The Bart Simpson Show
Homer demands that the kids stop watching their favorite cartoon
"Itchy & Scratchy". Bart turns off the TV, pulls out the tube and gets
inside to put on his show.
MG33 - Punching Bag
A punching bag with Homer's picture on it inspires Bart, Lisa,
and Marge to new heights of boxing prowess.
MG40 - Simpsons Christmas
Bart narrates a holiday tale to the strains of "Twas the night
before Christmas" which features the Simpsons kids sneaking a peek
at their presents.
MG39 - The Krusty The Clown Show
The kids go to see Krusty The Clown's live TV show. To his
great disappointment, Bart discovers his hero is not a real clown but
some guy in clown makeup.
MG34 - Bart The Hero
When Bart goes the the candy store for a candy bar he unwittingly
foils a robbery attempt and becomes a hero.
MG41 - Bart's Little Fantasy
Prompted by his parents' order to clean up his messy room,
Bart tells a tale in which children look and sound like the parents
and parents look and sound like children.
MG37 - Scary Movie
Instead of going to see Return Of The Happy Little Elves,
a fearless Bart convinces his sisters to see The Revenge Of The Space
MG32 - Home Hypnotism
Marge and Homer use hypnosis to try to make Bart, Lisa, and
Maggie behave. The children pretend to act like zombies.
MG31 - Shoplifting
Bart Simpson is busted by the shop keeper when he tries to
steal chocolate from the local candy store.
MG36 - Echo Canyon
During a family vacation, the Simpsons stop at Echo Canyon,
where everyone frolics and Bart nearly crunches the family car with
a bouldrer.
MG44 - Bathtime
To make his bath more exciting, Bart mimics Jacques Costeau
but leaves the water running and the bathroom floods when Homer comes
back to collect him.
Barts Nightmare
After devouring too many cookies, Bart has a nightmare in
which Homer catches him stealing cookies and threatens to punish him
for doing so.
MG46 - Bart Of The Jungle
Homer is incenced as Bart, Lisa, and Maggie who are swinging
from trees on makeshift vines made from Homer's neckties.
MG47 - Family Therapy
Homer tricks the family into going to a psychologist by pretending
to take them out for frosty chocolate milkshakes. The psychologist
tries to make them laugh.
MG42 - Maggie In Peril (Chapter One)
Bart and Lisa do a poor job babysitting for Maggie. Unsupervised,
she hops on Bart's skateboard and rolls through a sewage pipe to a
waterfall. To be continued...
MG43 - Maggie In Peril - The Thrilling Conclusion
Maggie survives her trip over the falls, flies out of the river into a carnival,
grabs onto helium balloons and lands safely back in her playpen.
MG48 - TV Simpsons
Homer sends Bart outside to fly a kite but it gets tangled in the antenna
and distorts the TV picture. Homer climbs onto the roof to restore it.